Page 8 - Combined_138_OCR
P. 8

Models will be checked for dimensional accuracy and for proper fit of all

              parts prior to shipment to the tunnel. CHO will arrange for model shipment

              to the tunnel and insure that all parts arrive at their destination in original

               n  ondition.  At the tunnel,    n  alibrations will be made of all instrumentation

              and checks made of all data reduction constants.             Any pressure tubing will        C T  D  C

              checked to insure again        r t  leaks. CHO will supervise the model installation into

              the tunnel and will      upervise all model changes during testing. During the te               <-t  cn

              checks will continually be made of data being recorded to validate its accuracy

              and insure proper trends. Any abnormalities will be immediately investigated.

              Repeat runs will be made on each configuration to assure data repeatability and

              increase accuracy.         n  oncerted efforts will be continually exercised to keep

              accuracies to the highest order. An accurate run log will be maintained con­

              taining all information for every test run.

                     5. Data Analysis: All data collected during the tests will be plotted

              against appropriate parameters to illustrate the effects of changing various com­

              ponents of the automobile. Aerodynamics drag will be the prime parameter of

              concern although aerodynamic lift and center of               es sure will exhibit considerable

              influence on certain body forms. Comparisons of data with othe                   c n  imilar con­

              figurations and with other scale data, where available, will be made to substantiate

              data accuracies. Theoretical          n  omparisons will also be made where possible.

              From these plots, conclusions, recommendations, and opinions can be formed.

              Internal drag will be determined from pressure readings in the engine compart­

              ment. Flow visualization aide           'jy  uch as tufts, fluorescent oils, dyalite beads,

              powder and high speed photography will be utilized to aid in formulating the com­

              plete aerodynamic picture.
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