Page 35 - Combined_137_OCR
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — SPACE DIVISION CHRYSLER ------
b. A 900-card per minute on-line card reader.
c. A 1200-line per minute on-line printer.
d. A 100-card per minute card punch.
e. Four magnetic tape handlers capable of transferring data at a rate
of 21,000 characters per second.
Input is by magnetic tape or punched card. Output may be either punched card, magnetic
tape, or printed report. IBM 026 key punches, 056 verifier, and a Univac 1001 card con
troller are also located in the facility. These machines are used to prepare input material
for the central processing unit. The customary ancillary equipment is also available, in
cluding library programs, abstracts, pressure-applying card storage trays, separate lock
able storage for master decks, machine checkout equipment, and magnetic tape library.
4. Manufacturing Facilities:
The Chrysler Huntsville manufacturing facility (64,000 sq ft), situated at
the Huntsville Research Park, is a completely modern building, meeting present and future
requirements. (See figure 6) The plant is air-conditioned and electrically heated. Pro
visions have been made for special positive pressure, extra-clean atmospheric conditions
in critical manufacturing and laboratory areas. Conditions in all environmentally controlled
areas meet the requirements or intent of NPC 200-4 and 200-3. Building construction and
layout conform to MSFC-PROC-154, MIL-G-15204, MSFC-274, and MSFC-PROC-158B.
The mechanical fabrication and assembly shop (13,400 sq ft) includes capabil
ities for machining tools, jigs, and fixtures as well as sheetmetal, engraving, paint, surface
treatment, vapor blast, and welding operations. This facility also has a 120 by 40-foot high-
bay area with a 33-foot clearance for assembly or modification of vehicles, environmental
control systems, docking simulators, and other large mechanical erection programs.
The electrical fabrication area (7,300 sqft) has capabilities for all up-to-
date electronic fabrication. This shop is adequately equipped for printed circuit board,
printed circuit module, and welded module fabrication. Facilities are available for con
formal coating, molding, potting, and drying operations. Careful attention has been given
to construction and layout to ensure conformance with NPC 200-4, MSFC-PROC-256, MSFC-
PROC-196B, and MSFC-PROC-293A.
The Chrysler Huntsville manufacturing facility provides a capability for the
fabrication of a great variety of defense and aerospace components and assemblies. All
but the largest mechanical structures can be handled within the high bay area. Speciali
zation has been achieved in prototype construction, custom fabrication, and short run pro
duction, with emphasis on work requiring close tolerances, a high degree of precision,
and exceptional skills. A diversified staff of manufacturing engineers plans and guides the
fabrication effort.