Page 6 - Combined_41_OCR
P. 6

wheels, for instance. But this com­
                                                                            pensation is not completely satisfac­
                              Upper skin in tension
                                                                                                   r -Wrw2-
                                                   ’ Shear forces
                             Lower skin in compression  on elastomer

               Conventional                                  Damped
                solid beam                                  laminated

                                                                            If the disc and shaft above are sup­
                                    Second mode                             ported by a bearing at each end and
                                                                            spun, a rotating vector force of
                                                                            Wroj2 pounds results. W is the disc
                                                                            weight, (j is the angular velocity
                                                                            in radians per second, and r is the
                                     Third mode                             radial distance (inches) from the cen­
                                                                            ter of the shaft out to the center of
                                                                            gravity of the system.
                                                                             The shaft and bearings must absorb
                                                                            and transmit not only the weight of
                                                                            the rotor but also a new force, one
                                                                            that rotates; one which, at high ro­
                                                                            tational speeds, may be greater than
                                                                            the rotor weight. A numerical ex­
                                                                            ample: 1 oz-in. of unbalance, though
          above consists of three sketches, each   vibration. Some modes are more like­
          taken at a different frequency. An   ly than others to cause failure in a   small, will cause a force of ±114 lb
          electromagnetic shaker furnished a   particular installation. The frequencies   at 8000 rpm.
                                                                              In most rotating elements, such as
          forcing function to a pair of beams.   causing such critical modes are called   motor armatures or engine crank­
          The shaker frequency was adjusted   critical frequencies.         shafts, mass is distributed along the
          first to excite the fundamental shape   Intense sounds can excite vibra­  shaft rather than being concentrated
          of vibration bending (also called the   tions, especially in thin panels. Damp­  in a disc. Such a unit may be sta­
          first mode or fundamental mode).   ing treatments on the panels are very   tically balanced, but when it is spun,
          Then it was readjusted to higher fre­  effective in reducing such vibration
          quencies that excited the second and   (and in reducing sound that is radi­  severe unbalanced forces may be
                                                                            transmitted to shaft and bearings.
          third modes.                     ated by resonating panels).
           If the solid beam at the left is                                 Obviously such a unit is not truly
          “plucked” (as with shock), causing   Rotational Unbalance: Where rotat­  balanced; since this new unbalance is
                                                                            apparent only during rotation, it is
          it to vibrate at one or more of the   ing engines are used in ships, auto­  called dynamic unbalance.
          frequencies and patterns shown, the   mobiles, aircraft, or other vehicles,
          vibration will gradually die out, be­  where turbines are used in vehicles
          cause of the internal damping of the   and pumping stations, where pro­  Unbalancing  Unbalancing
          beam (hysteresis). The right-hand   pellers are used in ships and aircraft,
          cantilever beam is made of two thin   where motors are used in machine
          metal layers joined by a layer of a   tools and appliances—in all of these
          viscoelastic damping material. Shear   and many other varied applications,
          forces exist between metal and damp­  unbalance of the rotating members is
          er that convert vibratory motion into   a common source of vibration.
          heat faster than with the solid beam.
           At very low vibration frequencies,
          transmissibility =  1 at all points
          along the beams. At certain higher                                  Static and        Dynamic
          (resonance) frequencies, transmissi­
                                                                            Dynamic Unbalance  Unbalance Only
          bility grows larger. The points of
          minimum amplitude are nodes; the
          points having maximum amplitude                                     If the two unbalances of this un­
          are antinodes. Maximum bending                                    restrained simplified system are exact­
          occurs at the attachment point and                                ly equal, are 180 deg apart, and the
          at the antinodes—locations where fa­  If the simple disc-shaft system shown   rotor is otherwise uniform and identi­
          tigue failures usually occur.    is placed on knife-edges, it will come   cal, this system will be statically
           These three sketches suggest that   to rest with the heavy side down.   balanced. However, as the shaft ro­
          the severity of a vibration often de­  This type of unbalance is called static   tates, the rotor wll generate centrif­
          pends upon where it is measured.   unbalance, since it can be detected   ugal forces that are out of phase
          Ratios of 1000/1 or more (D anti-   and measured statically. If a weight   with each other. If these forces are
          node/D node) have been measured.   W' is attached at some radius r'   not countered by two new rotating
          Finding a representative location for   to the side opposite the heavy side,   forces, rotation will cause the center-
          a vibration pickup is often difficult.   so that the disc has no preferred posi­  line of the rotor to trace out two
           Several modes of vibration can oc­  tion, the product W'r' is the value   cones, as on the right. For simple
          cur at once if several exciting fre­  of the original unbalance.  static unbalance, the rotor run-out
          quencies are present, as in shock and   Static balancing is a simple tech­  will take the form of an oversize
          in complex and wide-band random   nique, often used on automobile  cylinder, as on the left.
          120                                                                               Machine Design
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