Page 4 - Combined_76_OCR
P. 4

\Iq thoroforo request that a suitably ohaosio dynamometer wind
                      tunnel bo designed and built. This facility would provido Information
                      not now available from road testing and would also (after correlation,
                      is obtained) roplnao much Of tlv’ present I road toot operations, Tho '
                     long range capital plan inoludeu a (1-550,200 wind tunnel for tho 1$67 »
                     budget yoar. Basic requirements and specifications aro:                                    »

                                 Jot typo design                                                              i
                                 0 to 120 mph speed rango                                                        I
                                 * 1$ duct air velocity variatior. (20 to 120 mph)
                                 Ambient to 120°F air temperature range                                    I
                        300 (300)hP dynamornetor I ■                             .
                                Radiant heat lamps for sun load
                                 Humidity control
                                                                             I   *
                                                                         bo located at the Chelsea Proving
                           It  is proforrod that tho wind tunno],. bo
                                                                         _js thoro and tho need to toot
                     Grounds   due to tho associated tost facilitic
                     program   cars, which aro generally based at tho Proving Grounds                  It is
                               a _ j i l _ x
                                                       _/»:aI_ r___j_  a . .n j_ _ ri_ a .. . <r . t_ _ „ _
                                             ___ a j_
                     anticipated that a soction of jtho .Engine Cooling System Laboratory will be
                     located at Chelsea, for this and rolated work.
                        . Spaco in the vicinity of !the wind tunnel should be allocated for a
                     two car idle cooling tost room facility vhich is included in the long
                     range capital plan for

                                                                        Approved: R. W. Scoville

                                                                        Approved: ’ E. G. Mocllor

                                                                        Approved! We Re Rodger

                         9 •
                     00  t   •  Z  •  Smith ,,<■ - <
                             •   t* Q M Z   •   Drinkard ,
                             •   •   Joffo <■ r'/b-
                             •   •   Ponce ! ri,
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