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Cooling problems havo been increasing in both number and complexity
.with the expanding number of modulo, larger and higher porformanoo engines,
exhaust omission control, air conditioning, trailer towing, ata.
Basic data concerning the effects of car dosign on cooling are not t
adequately obtained to meet tho demands made. Data to guiclo design are
falling short of tho noeds concerning grillo, radiator, fan relation
ships, grillo toxturo and other cooling air opening requirements, car
front end aerodynamics, otc. ' . «
I . ' 'I
Cooling systom requirements antf'development problems havo reached I
a point where u chassis dynamometer wind tunnel io urgently needed to
moot present day requirements.! Such a facility could reasonably be
expected to result in savings of $3^0,000 to $$00,000 annually in radiator
and associated component costs. • %
Other major automotive companies utilize wind tunnels for the basic
engine cooling development work Ford ha's two and General Motors has five
with plans to add two more.
* I ’
A wind tunnel with a controlled environment would provide the follow
ing advantages:
Proper evaluation of engine cooling on air conditioned cars /
with air conditioning operating and with proper ambients and *• 4 '
solar heat load factors. Although this is tho most critical
problem, very little A/C on tooting!is now possible.
' Improved test reliability duo to tho ability to measure engine ! t
heat rejection during! tho cooling porformanco tests. Thio to—
’ gather with control of variable s'* that affect cooling should make
it possiblo to determine cooling system performance requirements
to meet cooling standards with much improved accuracy and result-' »»* U'J
ing cost savings,
3® Evaluation of new model front en< ds, questionable for cooling, *
could be checked with1 air condit: ioning operating for their
development and approval. 4..'" *
New model front end mock-ups could be made moro quickly and
.economically as rigors of to sting would not bo encountered.
Cooling airflow studios could be1 effectively oonductcd as
rogardo to tho engine' compartment and tho rolatod environment.
6« ; Elimination of tost inccuracy duo to uncontrolled wind and
ambiont tornporaturo conditions I
7. Elimination of tost o^oppago due to inclcmont weather. (During
tho past 5 months, tqoto wcro ai ncollod 42% of tho timo and many
of tho toot runo woro of questionable aocejitabillty).
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