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          tip diameter qf 39 ft. The outer 2 in. portion of the fan   160 deg to either side of the wind tunnel centerline. The
          blades is balsa, and serves to break away in the event foreign  /aw drive provides rates of l/4 and 4 deg/sec.
          articles are blown around to the fan section. On the turning   The balance systems are capable of measuring and re­
          vanes in front of the fan is a 1 in. mesh stainless steel wire   motely indicating forces and moments as defined in Table 1.
          screen, which should prevent any large damaging materials   DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM - The wind tunnel data
          from getting to the fan. The blade leading edges are cov­  acquisition system supplied by Space Craft Inc. is physically
          ered with a soft polyurethane film to protect the blades   located in two rooms on the operating floor of the wind tun­
          against abrasion from dust and other small particles in the   nel. One of the more impressive features of this system is
          airstream.                                          its ability to read, reduce, record, and plot the data from the
            Five fixed counter-rotation vanes are installed down­  test on a real time basis, so there is no waiting for answers
          stream of the fan to remove the rotational velocity com­  to be used in test evaluation. The high speed paper tape
          ponent of the airstream emanating from the plane of the   reader and punch, off-line teletypewriter, magnetic tapes,
          fan. In addition, the vane fairings serve as motor and nacelle  disk, and computer main-frame are located in the com­
          support structure, and as ducts for cooling air for the totally   puter room. The control-teletypewriter/line printer, plot­
          enclosed drive system, as well as ducts for entrance of elec­  ters, digital displays, and control console are located in
          tric, water, and oil lines into the drive system components.  the control room shown in Figs. 9 and 10. The two rooms
            MEASURING EQUIPMENT - Two nominally identical, '   are separated by approximately 33 ft.
         pyramidal external balance systems designed by TEM En­  The computer is controlled from the control-teletype-
         gineering Ltd. are provided for use at the facility, with one
         balance installed under each of the two test sections. Each
          balance separates and measures independently tne basic
                                                                     Table 1 - Balance Force And Moment Ranges
          aerodynamic components of lift, drag, and side force, and
          pitching, yawing, and rolling moment. Both balances
                                                                                      Centerline   Floor Mounted
         will carry the loads developed by two classes of models un­
                                                                    Component       Mounted Model      Model
          der test, either models supported on the strut system near
          the center of the test section or models attached to the bal­  Lift, lb   -5000- +10,000  -1500- 3000
          ance at or just above the wind tunnel floor.        Drag, lb              -1500- 1500    -5000- 10,000
            Models in either test section are attached to and posi­  Side Force     ±5000
         tioned by the support system which transmits model loads   (that is, lift on
         to the balance. The entire model support system is mounted   l/2 model), lb
          on the balance turntable, which is driven in yaw within the   Pitching Moment, ft-lb  ±5000
         balance moments frame. The moments frame is one of   Rolling Moment, ft-lb  ±5000         ±30,000
          the four major structure portions of the balance shown in   Yawing Moment  ±3000         ±10,000
         Fig. 8, and it senses moments about the tunnel centerline.   (that is, pitching mo­
          The other parts are the turntable, supporting the models;   ment for l/2 model),
         the forces frame, which senses model forces; and the earth   ft-lb
          frame, which is a nonmetered structure supporting the whole
          system. The balance turntable may be rotated more than

                                     MOMENT CENTER

                                                                                                         £4^  ........

                       Fig. 8 - Balance schematic                           Fig. 9 - Digital displays
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