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                                      I Process Control I
                           l)isc storage 1^'System IBM 1710*
                            Printer                                                       Air'.pei’'!
                           Card punch
                           Jape punch      Rea time
                           Typewriter                         panel

                                                        Oolo logging
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                                   Air stream panxrnpers
                                                                               | program - cc>ntr<>ll«-<! [

                                                 Six-component-bulonce        T'T
                                                  [fully outornalic 1

           Big. 6 - Simplified diagram showing flow of information and function of the IBM 1710/1620 process control, system of
           VW’s Climatic Wind Tunnel

           operation, the control inputs for the control systems of me   arc used for fully automatic process control with, the aid
           individual units arc set by hand while the regulators auto­  of the digital-to-analog converter.  com­
           matical^ adjust the actual values of the process parameters   puter also performs monitoring and was mg him-Con? !m
           to the desired set points on an optimum basis. The use of   means of ti cyclic comparison of preset threshold values
           a computer also has made it possible to select the control   of rite process p  arameters with the .
           inputs automatically in accordance, with predetermined   data. (See 1'igs
           programs. Accordingly, it is possible, for example, when
           simulating typical operating conditions of city traffic to
           effect y i to. i iron i zed control of engine output, engine torque,
           road speed, and air speed with the computer. J
              Besides the central IBM 1620 digiral computer, the IBM   Volkswagen's climatic wind tunnel which incorporates
           1710 process control system contains among oilier Items   the latest design rec'mi.ones can be used not only for m'H-
           an analor-to-digital converter, a real time clock, and a   ducting aerodynamic tests but als$ lor the development am'
           digital-to-analog converter. The analog-to-digital con­  testing of vehicle units under co nd'Cons identic;-. • with Cm m
           verter digitizes the input signals of the sensors and codes   encountered on the road. The
           them in the BCD code of the digital computer which then   lation made it necessary to   a consimm'
           stores, converts, and'prints the coded data. The digital   of automation into the testing programs and eve mm ion work
           computer also takes preprogrammed logical decisions which   in order to exploit this high capacity insfa’'cCon to the fall.
                                                                                 ” ....

                       This paper is subject to revision. Statements and opinions   been edited by SAE for uniform styling and format. Disci   be. eomed
                       advanced in papers or discussion are the author’s and are   with the paper if it is published in SA!; Transactions. Eor t
                       his responsibility, not the Society’s; however, the paper has  this paper in full or in pari, contact the SAE I’ubi; canons K vision and
           Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.                                   12 page booklet, rnTitv.4 ill p. S, A .
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