Page 3 - Combined_140_OCR
P. 3

MAIN DIMENSIONS                                      the rated speeds are reduced to the fan speeds through a two
                                                               stage reduction gear. A pole changeable motor was chosen
             TiaJImain dimensions of the wind tunnel building and   so that sensitive air speed control can be maintained even
                                                ... in Ik’. 1,  at the lowest wind spc ds.
                  ..o work?                                       The fan has a number oi interesting design details. The
          but the complete rcturiJduct as well, so that the size of  rotor is overhung mounted in spite of its large dimensions
          me cnclomd volume amounts to approximately 75,000    and the main bearing is located in a rotationally symmetri­
                                                               cal supporting member borne by seven shaped vanes. A
            ,uno,600 cu it).
                                                                         . L) f< >llows the fan hub in  o  .  ■  *   tlx unit.
                                                               It is held on the fan end oy straightener vanes which consist
          SPbwit'lOA 1IONS
                                                               of 19 nonprofiled sheet metal blades; three further shaped
                                                               supports follow downstream.
             essential details ol tile specifications relating to the main   Hydraulic control of the 10-fan vanes is synchronized.
           ems r . . ctimalic win         . th .    ’   .  o   A flat-topped piston axially fixed and rotating with the hub
          Ao.: sy/.cm, ae.mdyxamic balance, dynamometer test bench,   divides a hydraulic cylinder with axial displacement into
          and computer, arc given in Table 2 and operation of the   two oil pressure chambers. Grooves are provided for each
                                    a d<          ... ing sec-  vane on the outside of the hydraulic cylinder, in which are
                                                               run the slide rings of the adjusting cranks, if the control
                   l?.j Am of the wind tunnel consists oi a single -   pressure is altered on one side of the piston, the hydraulic
                Xia 1 compressor with 10 vanes and has a diameter  cylinder is displaced in the longitudinal direction and ad-
          01           Tae rated speed is 175 rpm or llu rpm as  justs the pitch angle through the cranks which arc welded
          rccuircd. Air speed is controlled by infinitely variable ad­  to the blade beams. Oil is fed to the two cylinder chambers
          justment of the pitch angle of the blades.           through ring-shaped chamber . A driliings in the connecting
             A pole changeable c-phase asyncWonous motor with  rod. Operating pressure has purposely been limited to ap­
          raws meeds of cither 1489 rpm or 994 rpm is used to drive  proximately 10 afu (156.2 psia) so as to obtain the maxi­
          the km. The operating voltage of the motor is 6000 V and  mum life from the parts subject to wear.

                                                   G O


                                                                        <r 1 1

                  Cl) le, (■’.) working wri i.ou, (•’>) collector, (4) movable test
                  . - n s ■ )V r, (5) electric motor with gear, (6) l.m, (7) Jif"
                                                                   li iK
                       (5) corner (9) air cooler, (1.0) honeycomb flow
                    mlgmoner. (Li) turbulence st’fcCiis. (12) settling chamber,
                  (:.. ) acrodyn.imw: balance, (14) program-controlled dynam-
                  o:ir cm csi bench, (15) control center, (16) process control
                  .7 . .a, (17) c.ecLomuchanical workshop, (18) office, (19)   Fig. 1 - Plan view of the VW
                  m.:<umic room (refrigeration system)                     Climatic Wind Tunnel
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8