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                                                                                         Wolfgang Morchen
                                                                                              Volkswagcnwerk AG


                 ;.T-I\Ci\.PASlNG demands made on the modern car  FUNCTIONS OF WIND TUNNEL
          bv DOI         c  traffic must be met by automobile man
          umeturers and involve an mtensilicacion oi testing opera-   The main objective in planning VW's climatic wind
          tions. Tiius, new measuring' methods have to be developed.   tunnel was to create one which would still be considered
          These methods require expensive and higlily sensitive meas­  modern 10 years after its completion.
          uring i.istrumentb and methods which arc already used in   The main technical objective was construction of a com­
          the field of aircraft and space research and which now have   bined "large-size test bed" on which, in addition to aero­
          been adapted to the special requirement of automobile   dynamic tests on full-scale vehicles, a large number of
          development.                                         functional tests could be carried out. These functional tests
            The size, weight, and sensitivity of precision instruments   require development of true airflow conditions around the
          of this type virtually prohibit their use in test vehicles oper-   test vehicles and the simultaneous reproduction of precise
                 racks or i ids. < mnscquetil l.y, the use of test cham­  engine output These tests arc used mainly for research
          bers for automobile cngiuccriiig research has great iy in­  into engine cooling, air conditioning, and heating tyid ven­
          creased in recent years'.                            tilating of passenger compartments.
            A imine, reason for trans for ring test operations from road   Decisive factors in Volkswagen’s decision io construct
          to te member is the increasing traffic density which scri-   a climatic wind tunnel for full-scale test vehicles were, that
                                out de Icst programs. More­    maximum testing accuracy can be achieved only by using
         over, the testing of prototypes on public highways is prac-   full-scale models and because experience in automobile
                     ible because o  ■ d< :e for secrecy.      production has shown that it is extremely difficult to trans­
            Thom reasons led Volkswagenwerk's board of managc-   fer accurately to full-size vehicles the quantitative test
                       pla i c< struction oi a climatic wind tunnel.   results obtained with scaled-down models. Tliis is due to
         The m ■ ..a ••assigned to Dingier AG, Zweibrucken, well-known   functional considerations in automobile design and to the
          in tjm field.                                        large number of similarity parameters which must be met.

                                                               (93 mph). The size of the working section permits tests
                                                               to be carried out on full-size car models. Functional tests
         cen       . main plant in W Lisburg. A climatic wind  can be performed with a program-cont rolled dynamometer
                     uwcrk AG is constructing a major research
         Lm.ici, trie most modirn of its kind in Europe, has already   test bench. They include testing of engines under actual
         b • ,n commoted. With VW exports going to almost every   road loads and cooling conditions and the testing of heating
         ?-iy i.i :ih- world/the inimel has been designed lo simu-   and air condithMing systems. Aerodynamic forces to which
         Ln.: .ild ..oris <>f cliin.itic-coiaiiti<>ns, including the. aiinos-   a car is subjected can be measured with a mechanical ro­
            :i< ic..e>cr.ii ;.< •. .mJ humidities of all mam climatic  tating six-component balance. The. operation of the. entire
           me:., iVgcthcr an immiic variation oi those. <.'ondi-   installation, data logging and data processing, is carried
           o..., inc. tunnel can develop wind speeds up to IbO km/h   out automatically by means of a computer.
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