Page 3 - Combined_150_OCR
P. 3

Distribution                                 - 3 -                            October 8, 1969

               playback and data reduction. The system would be capable of direct readout of two
                channels of data ’’real time’’ during race car test using an existing brush two channel
               pen recorder mated with the ground station decommutator and D-A converter.

                             Future plans for follow-on would include mating of the telemetry signal with
               the computer and high speed printer to allow selective ’’real time” data handling of a
               large number of channels (actual number of direct data reduction would be determined
               based upon measurement frequency response required, number of characters desired
               and printer capacity).

                      B. Special Vehicle Performance Instrumentation - Phase II

                            An IPA has been submitted for addition of engine measurements to the
                Phase I system for more detailed engine performance evaluation. These measurements
               would be added to the system increasing total number of data channels.

                      C • Mobile Control Center Communication System

                            An IPA has been submitted for addition of a central communication system
               connecting the Mobile Control Center to individual pit areas and from pit area to race

                             The dual frequency system would scramble all transmission and tone code
                control all receivers to appropriate transmission station. (No one could communicate
               with driver except his own pit radio).

                      D.     Special Performance Vehicle Test Operations Control Center

                            An IPA has been submitted for establishin         level of effort to support the
                circuit racing team m experimental testing and development of  super-speedway race

                             The center would maintain and operate the Mobile Control Center at major
               races and at special track tests.

                             Maintenance, operation, and data reduction would be performed on the
               instrumentation system in support of special car tests at super-speedways.

                            Vehicle would be prepared, modified, instrumented, and checked out at the
                Control Center for track tests.

                                                                             W. P. Wright

               Distribution: (see next page)
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