Page 4 - Combined_23_OCR
P. 4

                                                                                   o CHARGER DAYTONA
                                                                             (HORIZONTAL STABILIZER ANGLE = 0 deg)

                                                                     COEFFICIENT   O

                                                                     FORCE   O

                                                                     A X IA L
                                     BACKLIGHT. ANGLE

                                                                                   FRONT AXLE
                           5 .A C K                                  COEFFICIENT  0.2
                                                 / 1-
                                                / <|
                                              / I
                                              7\X1AL I                  o  -
               002                            FORCE -L               L IF T
                           Hr£'_.F .y                                 -0.1 o

                                                                       0.1          REAR AXLE         ' I j
                                                                     COEFFICIENT  O                    i

                                                                     L IF T                      o——p
                                                                                   J— ----- -—....
                         10      20     30      40      50               -3        -2                 □
                             BACKLIGHT ANGLE, deg                                    BODY RAKE ANGLE,deg
             FiG. 6 Daytona has a 2.2.-deg backlight slope and rounded side to   FIG. 7 Vehicle attitude strongly affects both lift and axial forces. The
             backsight juncture maintaining flow attachment—lowering oxial force.  Doytona race car achieves minimum drag when angled ct —0.5 deg.
             a full fastback treatment, On actual   sensitive to vehicle attitude (Fig. 7).   pension, exhaust system  , and struc-
             vehicles, however, 3-dimensional ef­  The Daytona has minimum drag at   tural members. Cooling  airflow was
             fects allow attached flow’ over back-  —0.5 deg while for the 1969 race   modeled as were grille,  wheel well,
             lights with relatively steep angles,   car the angle is —1.5 deg. .  and engine compartment  openin
             These  effects are used in the Daytona
              which has a backlight slope of 22 deg        Test  tuo
              an p  .  rounded side to backlight junc-   Most of the above data were col­  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
            > ture. Flow attachment is achieved,  lected in the 7 x 10-ft wind tunnel at  The following publication was used in the
              resulting in a 0.021 decrease in axial   Wichita State University usin   •'0  co  development of'this article:
           • . force coefficient at the zero yaw con­  scale model. The 16 x 23-ft  tunnel  700036 Aerodynamic Development of the
                                                                                  Charger Daytona for Stock Car Competi­
              dition (Fig. 6). The standard Char-   at Lockheed-Georgia was used for
                                                                                  tion, by R. P. Mar cell and G. F. Romberg,
            ■ ger has a 45-deg Backlight slope and   tunnel correlation studies and'a very
                                                                                  Chrysler Corp.
            ’ the inset position of the ' backlight   limited study of a full-scale model.
                                                                                 To order the publication listed above, circle
           .; precludes flow . onto the backlight   The %-scale model had accurately,   ths appropriate 6-digit number on the Reader
           . from the side of the car. .   .; •; '  reproduced underbody detail in­  Service Card following the yellow pages.
                Lift and axial forces are also /very  cluding a simulated gas tank, sus-
             Volume 78, Number 5
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