Page 3 - Combined_23_OCR
P. 3


                                NO SPOILER
                                8-in. POSITION-6.9-in. CHORD
                                13-in. POSITION-5.2-in. CHORD
                                18-in. POSITION-4.1-in. CHORD

                                   65-in REFERENCE
                                   GROUND CLEARANCE

                             I  HORIZONTAL STABILIZER
                                ANGLE ~ 0 deg
            COEFFICIENT  0.35                                       COEFFICIENT   P  O                _L   O  '   cnO  Q

            FORCE   0.30                                            FORCE   O  oj  <J!                                I I

            AXIAL                                                   AXIAL   O j   u     O                             t

              0.5                                                     ,0.3
            COEFFICIENT  02                                         COEFFICIENT  0.1 o

            LIF T   0.1 o                                           LIFT   -0.1                     FRONT AXLE

             -0.!                                                     0.2                           REAR AXLE
            COEFFICIENT  02 o                                       COEFFICIENT  -0.1 o            -O  n  o  o  o

            LIFT   o  -                                             LIFT   -0.2                        o
                -9  -6   -3   o   cu  O    U3  12   15   18             -6  -3   o    rO    < n     12   15
                              YAW ANGLE, deg                                         YAW ANGLE, deg
            -n  4 Position of the undernose spoiler on the nose extension of-   FIG. 5 Angular position of the horizontal stabilizer is chosen to
           Teets front cxle lift. The Daytona race car uses the 13-in. location.  give the desired oxle. lift coefficients ct expense of axial force.

           Aerodynamic devices affect both axial force                         permits a wide range of axle lift
                                                                               coefficients (Fig. 5). The trade-off is
           and axle hit coefficients. Test set       Cl  C l  (D  C n  O  ibed.
                                                                               an increase in axial force.
                                                                                 Comparison  of the horizontal sta-
           shape, large cooling openings, and  in. nose extension with the spoiler   bilizer and a 1  -in. hi sb,  4 -  on  cL  Cj  rear
           a rough underbody. Fitting a front  cuts axial force significantly more   deck lip spoiler   shows the-horizontal
           spoiler, restricts airflow under the  than a 9-in. nose extension-spoiler   stabilizer is a   more effective and
           vehicle while increasing the flow over  pair. Conversely, the 9-in. nose is   efficient aerodynamic system. The
           the top and sides. If a streamlined   superior when spoiler is not fitted.  ratio of lift to axial force is the usual
           front end is added, axial force in­  While the position of the spoiler   measure of aerodynamic efficiency.
           crease at the hood and fenders is   on the extension hardly affects the   On this basis, rear deck lip spoiler
           minimal and total vehicle axial force  axial force (Fig. 4), it does change   efficiency is 7 and that of the stabili­
           decreases.                        front axle lift. The 13-in. location is   zer is 19.
             The effectiveness of the undernose   used on the Daytona.           Two-dimensional flow theory pre- *
           spoiler is very sensitive to front end   The 12-deg angular adjustment   diets separated flow over the back­
           shape (Fig. 3). For instance, the 18-  built into the horizontal stabilizer  light area of any car with less than

           54                                                                                  SAE Journal, Moy 1970
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