Page 19 - Combined_17_OCR
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Radio paging services furnished by the carriers Many of the carriers listed in the white pages oi Telephone No. Channels
is a one way radio service for vehicle or pedestrian this directory furnish paging services on their regulai LJJ P State & City Telephone No. LC LF T,J LP
oy means of miniature radio paging receivers. Some mobile telephone channels in addition to mobile tele MONTANA SOUTH CAROLINA
carriers furnish alerting tones only, and other car phone service. Great Falls 406-452-9521 Columbia 803-254-5373 #
riers furnish a voice message in addition to an alert Telephone the carrier in your city as listed below NEBRASKA Greenville 803-242-5211 #
ing tone, to a receiver in the person's pocket. or in the white pages for full particulars and rates. Omaha 402-341-0146
Johnson City 615-926-6031 #
Paging Channels & Frequencies NEVADA
Las Vegas Nashville 615-254-9494 #
Channel Mhz Channel Mhz yEW_HAMPSHffiE 702-384-2862 TEXAS
LC 35.22 LJ 43.22 Amarillo 806-374-1621 #
LF 35.58 LP 43.58 Concord 603-224-1946 Dallas
Manchester 603-669-1221 214-741-5281 # #
Channels. Channels new_Jersey_ Houston 713-529-2641 #
Telephone No. Telephone No. Lubbock 806-762-0811
Trenton 609-396-3521 #
Fort Worth
ALABAMA GEORGIA newyows UTAH 817-336-5461 #
Birmingham 205-251-0231 Atlanta 205-251-0231 Brooklyn I 212-522 5151 Salt Lake City
Montgomery 205-263-0577 Atlanta 404-377-6424 Bronx 212-522-5151 VIRGINIA 801-298-9051 #
ARKANSAS HAWAII IJuffalo___ _ 716-853-5266 _i Norfolk
Little Rock 501-376-3121 Honolulu 510-281 j^rRockaway 212-522-5151 703-625-0561 #
Bakersfield 805-322-0657 Boise 208-344-7773 Long Island City 212-522-5151 i Bremerton 206-373-1497 #
Eureka 415-443-3023 ILLINOIS Newburgh 914-561-2631 WISCONSIN 206-272-2121 #
Fresno________ 209-233-6296 Champaign : 217-352-4141 New York City 212-687-7511
Lodi 209-368-2405 Chicago 312-372-8200 New York City__ 212-522-5151 Milwaukee 608-255-5181 #
Long Beach 213-435-4885 Northfield 312-446-7111 North Wantagh 212-522-5151 414-276-7383 #
Los Angeles 213-233-7191 Peoria 309-673-6161 Rochester 716-473-0830 PUERTO RICO
Marysville 916-673-0834 INDIANA Rochester __ 716-473-6751 San Juan
Mountain View 415-968-5000 Gary ! 219-886-3536 Schenectady 518-346-2363 767-2300 #
Oakland_______ 415-362-6500 Indianapolis 317-255-2471 Syracuse 716-473-0830
Orange 714-547-0811 South Bend ! 219-282 1268 Tarrytown 212-522-5151
Palm Springs 714-325-2304 IOWA Troy 518 463-4500
Sacramento 916-452-3991 Des Moines I 515-283-0618 NORTH CAROLINA
Salinas 408-424-2903 KANSAS Asheville 704-252-1391
San Bernardino 714-885-6577 Kansas City 913-321-1666 Charlotte 704-332-5051
San Carlos 415-593-9135 Wichita 316-262-1891 Greensboro-------- - 919-272-8176
San Diego 714-232-7991 KENTUCKY Raleigh 919-833-5708
San Rafael 415-456-6500 Louisville I 502-583-1607 Winston-Salem 919-724-2491
Santa Barbara 805-962-9155 LOUISIANA OHIO
Santa Cruz 408-426-2100 New Orleans I 504-947 2181 Cincinnati | 513-542-3775
Stockton 209-466-2535 Shreveport : 318-423-1645 (Cincinnati 513-421-1367
COLORADO MARYLAND Cleveland________ 216-621-7135
Denver 303-244 5564 Baltimore 301-539-1300 Cleveland 1216-541-1337
CONNECTICUT Cumberland : 301-724-4990 Warren 216-392-2568
Bridgeport 203-374-5511 Prince Frederil! 301-535-1670 Youngstown 216-744-3135
Waterbury 203-754-5544 MASSACHUSETTS OKLAHOMA
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Boston i 617-734-5400 Oklahoma City 405-424-1425
Washington, D. C. E02-393-2842 Boston < 617-427-3511 OREGON
FLORIDA Springfield 413-732-4116 Portland 503-288-6891
Fort Lauderdale 305-524-0404 MICHIGAN Portland 503-226-1166
Gainesville 904-372-3573 Detroit 313-961-5800 PENNSYLVANIA
Jacksonville_______ 904-354-7767 Flint I 313-767-5670 Corry 814-665-6935
Miami 305-377-1438 MINNESOTA Philadelphia 215-564-1535
Miami 305-379-2634 St Paul < 612-645-9181 Philadelphia 215-564-2200
Miami, South______ 305-377-8585 MISSOURI Pittsburgh________ 412-391-1100
Miami Beach, North 305-377-8585 Kansas City 816-842-6580 Wilkes-Barre 717-287-1234
Orlando 305-424-9537 Kansas City 816-931-6071 Wilkes-Barre 717-845-1628
West Palm Beach .305-833 6306 St Louis 314-727-4122