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                                                                                                                      PAGING SERVICE
                      Radio paging services furnished by the carriers   Many of the carriers listed in the white pages oi   Telephone No.  Channels
                   is a one way radio service for vehicle or pedestrian   this directory furnish paging services on their regulai   LJJ P   State & City   Telephone No.  LC LF T,J LP
                   oy means of miniature radio paging receivers. Some   mobile telephone channels in addition to mobile tele­  MONTANA   SOUTH CAROLINA
                   carriers furnish alerting tones only, and other car­  phone service.    Great Falls   406-452-9521         Columbia     803-254-5373  #
                   riers furnish a voice message in addition to an alert­  Telephone the carrier in your city as listed below  NEBRASKA   Greenville  803-242-5211  #
                   ing tone, to a receiver in the person's pocket.  or in the white pages for full particulars and rates.  Omaha  402-341-0146
                                                                                                                              Johnson City  615-926-6031  #
                                            Paging Channels & Frequencies                NEVADA
                                                                                          Las Vegas                           Nashville    615-254-9494  #
                                        Channel  Mhz      Channel  Mhz                   yEW_HAMPSHffiE   702-384-2862      TEXAS
                                          LC   35.22       LJ   43.22                                                        Amarillo      806-374-1621  #
                                          LF   35.58       LP   43.58                     Concord      603-224-1946           Dallas
                                                                                          Manchester   603-669-1221                        214-741-5281  #  #
                                             Channels.                         Channels  new_Jersey_                          Houston      713-529-2641  #
                                   Telephone No.                   Telephone No.                                              Lubbock      806-762-0811
                                                                                          Trenton      609-396-3521                                    #
                                                                                                                              Fort Worth
                   ALABAMA                             GEORGIA                           newyows                            UTAH           817-336-5461  #
                     Birmingham   205-251-0231           Atlanta   205-251-0231           Brooklyn    I 212-522 5151         Salt Lake City
                     Montgomery   205-263-0577           Atlanta   404-377-6424           Bronx       212-522-5151          VIRGINIA       801-298-9051  #
                   ARKANSAS                            HAWAII                             IJuffalo___ _  716-853-5266    _i   Norfolk
                     Little Rock   501-376-3121          Honolulu   510-281               j^rRockaway   212-522-5151                       703-625-0561  #
                   CALIFORNIA                          IDAHO                              Glen Cove   212-522-5151         WASHINGTON
                     Bakersfield   805-322-0657          Boise     208-344-7773           Long Island City   212-522-5151  i   Bremerton   206-373-1497  #
                     Eureka       415-443-3023         ILLINOIS                           Newburgh    914-561-2631         WISCONSIN       206-272-2121   #
                     Fresno________  209-233-6296        Champaign :  217-352-4141        New York City   212-687-7511
                     Lodi         209-368-2405           Chicago   312-372-8200           New York City__  212-522-5151      Milwaukee     608-255-5181  #
                     Long Beach   213-435-4885           Northfield   312-446-7111        North Wantagh   212-522-5151                     414-276-7383  #
                     Los Angeles   213-233-7191          Peoria    309-673-6161           Rochester   716-473-0830         PUERTO RICO
                     Marysville   916-673-0834         INDIANA                            Rochester __   716-473-6751        San Juan
                     Mountain View   415-968-5000        Gary      ! 219-886-3536         Schenectady   518-346-2363                       767-2300  #
                     Oakland_______  415-362-6500        Indianapolis  317-255-2471       Syracuse    716-473-0830
                     Orange       714-547-0811           South Bend   ! 219-282 1268      Tarrytown   212-522-5151
                     Palm Springs   714-325-2304       IOWA                               Troy        518 463-4500
                     Sacramento   916-452-3991           Des Moines   I 515-283-0618    NORTH CAROLINA
                     Salinas      408-424-2903         KANSAS                            Asheville    704-252-1391
                     San Bernardino   714-885-6577       Kansas City   913-321-1666      Charlotte    704-332-5051
                     San Carlos   415-593-9135           Wichita   316-262-1891          Greensboro-------- -  919-272-8176
                     San Diego    714-232-7991         KENTUCKY                          Raleigh      919-833-5708
                     San Rafael   415-456-6500           Louisville I  502-583-1607      Winston-Salem   919-724-2491
                     Santa Barbara   805-962-9155      LOUISIANA                        OHIO
                     Santa Cruz   408-426-2100           New Orleans I  504-947 2181     Cincinnati   | 513-542-3775
                     Stockton     209-466-2535           Shreveport : 318-423-1645     (Cincinnati   513-421-1367
                   COLORADO                            MARYLAND                          Cleveland________  216-621-7135
                     Denver       303-244 5564           Baltimore   301-539-1300        Cleveland   1216-541-1337
                   CONNECTICUT                           Cumberland :  301-724-4990      Warren      216-392-2568
                     Bridgeport   203-374-5511           Prince Frederil!  301-535-1670  Youngstown   216-744-3135
                     Waterbury    203-754-5544         MASSACHUSETTS                   OKLAHOMA
                   DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA                  Boston    i  617-734-5400       Oklahoma City   405-424-1425
                     Washington, D. C.   E02-393-2842    Boston    < 617-427-3511      OREGON
                   FLORIDA                               Springfield  413-732-4116       Portland    503-288-6891
                     Fort Lauderdale   305-524-0404    MICHIGAN                          Portland    503-226-1166
                     Gainesville   904-372-3573          Detroit   313-961-5800        PENNSYLVANIA
                     Jacksonville_______  904-354-7767   Flint     I  313-767-5670       Corry       814-665-6935
                     Miami        305-377-1438         MINNESOTA                         Philadelphia   215-564-1535
                     Miami        305-379-2634           St Paul   <  612-645-9181       Philadelphia   215-564-2200
                     Miami, South______  305-377-8585  MISSOURI                          Pittsburgh________  412-391-1100
                     Miami Beach, North   305-377-8585   Kansas City   816-842-6580     Wilkes-Barre   717-287-1234
                     Orlando      305-424-9537           Kansas City  816-931-6071      Wilkes-Barre  717-845-1628
                     West Palm Beach  .305-833 6306      St Louis  314-727-4122
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