Page 5 - Combined_19_OCR
P. 5
Any person authorized by a station licensee may are limited, point-to-point communication between
operate a base station or mobile unit without an offices is not allowed where other communications,
operator’s permit or license from the Federal Com such as wire lines, are available except in an emer
munications Commission, unless the radio system gency when a message is essential to the protection
transmits on a frequency below 25 Mc/s. Some li of life or property or when the message is of im
censees issue authorization cards to their radio oper mediate importance to mobile units reached only
ators, a worthwhile control measure although not by relay through another base station.
required by FCC rules (see pages u and 12).
Remember that other people can hear you over
the radio. Since you are operating on a frequency
Permissible Communications available to other licensees on a shared basis, you
may be heard not only by fellow employees, but by
You are licensed to transmit only those messages
that are considered essential to the efficient conduct outside people as well. You must, therefore, be sure
of that phase of your business for which the license to comply fully with the FCC Rules and Regula
tions. Three specific points to remember are: No
was granted. Your radio may also be used for trans
personal messages (except emergency). Absolutely
mission of any messages pertaining to the safety of
NO PROFANE LANGUAGE. Always give your
life or the protection of property. Personal messages,
station call sign at the end of each contact (ex
except emergencies, are not authorized.
change of transmissions) or every 15 minutes. Iden
Emergency messages take priority over all others. tify yourself clearly and precisely. Your fleet units
In transmitting emergency messages, the originat know who you are, but someone else may also need
ing station may use the word “emergency” or one to know.
of the international distress signals: “PAN” or
“MAYDAY” (see Page 8 ). All other stations ex The fleet mobile radio station’s identification is
cept the one being called should cease transmitting usually the same as the vehicle number for the con
and stand by until the emergency messages have venience of the dispatcher at the base station. A
been handled. person, regularly using a particular vehicle may be
come associated with that vehicle’s number. If,
Your system is licensed on one of the mobile radio however, he is assigned to another vehicle he cannot
channels, set aside for communication between ve use his original number. Both call and acknowledge
hicles, and between vehicles and their associated ment must use the new vehicle number to insure
base stations. Because the mobile radio channels proper identification.