Page 11 - Combined_19_OCR
P. 11
The international radiotelephone distress signal or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
is the word MAYDAY. years, or both.”
(Section 501, Communications Act 1934, as amended}
This distress signal indicates that a mobile sta
tion is threatened by grave and imminent danger
and requests immediate assistance. Penalties For Violations
*Quoted from FCC Rules and Regulations Of Rules and Regulations of
The Federal Communications Commission
“Any person who willfully and knowingly vio
lates any rule, regulation, restriction, -or condition
made or imposed by the Commission under au
Penalties For Violations of Radio Laws,
thority of this Act, or any rule, regulations, restric
Rules and Regulations tion, or condition made or imposed by any inter
national radio or wire communications treaty or
“Any person who willfully and knowingly does
convention, or regulations annexed thereto, to
or causes or suffers to be done any act, matter, or
which the United States is or may hereafter be
thing, in this Act prohibited or declared to be un
come a party, shall, in addition to any other pen
lawful, or who willfully or knowingly omits or fails
alties provided by law, be punished, upon convic
to do any act, matter, or thing in this Act required
to be done, or willfully and knowingly causes or tion thereof, by a fine of not more than $500 for
each and every day during which such offense
suffers such omission or failure, shall, upon convic
tion thereof, be punished for such offense, for which
(Section 502, Communications Act 1934, as amended)
no penalty (other than a forfeiture) is provided in
this Act, by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, Forfeiture in Cases of Violations of
or both; except that any person, having been once Certain Rules and Regulations
convicted of an offense punishable under this sec
tion, who is subsequently convicted of violating any Section 510. (a) Where any radio station
provision of this Act punishable under this section, other than licensed radio stations in the broadcast
shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 service or stations governed by the provisions of