Page 4 - GK12192016F1_Documentation_DodgeMotorHomeRecords_06241969
P. 4

Service Department
                                                                                 New Truck Pre-Delivery
                                                                                 Service Inspection

                                                                                 Noto: Inspection and/or correction of the operations
                                                                                 listed on this form are considered part of the dealer's
                                                                                 now truck preparation and handling costs.

                                                 Model                           Serial No.

  Dealer                                         Code No.                        Region

  City, State, Zip                                                               Date

  Inspect trie following items and correct as necessary:
         On Hoist
  Consult Shop Manual and Service Bulletins for
  adjustment standards and torque specifications.
  .....1. Lubricate truck. Check fluid level        Battery and starter cable condition   42.  Window regulators, door handles,
            of: Transmission, Transfer Case,        and routing                             locks and glove box
            Differential and Aux. Transmission   Ar"”" 23. Drive belt tension and alignment  Outside Vehicle
    Lil   2. Installation of spare wheel and     24. Electrical wiring, routing         43.  Hood, doors, windows and fenders
            tire and adjustment of tire carrier,                                            for fit and paint condition
      ( if so equipped                           25. Hydraulic and fuel lines,
                                                    connections and routing             44.  Bumper and mouldings
         3. Wheel bearings
                                         ___Zsf'" 26. Crankcase vent valve operation    45.  Headlamp aim
      ,^4. Wheel nuts and tire pressure
                                                 Under Hood Engine Operating             Road Test
         5. Steering coupling lock bolt nut,
            if so equipped                   LT 27. Automatic transmission fluid        46.  Instrumeqts, controls and
                                                    level, if so equipped                   accessories
          6. Steering coupling lock pin,
                                                 28. Ignition timing and distributor    47.  Operation of horn
            installation, if so equipped
    —''   7. Steering gear to frame bolts                                               48.  Service and parking brake
                                                 29. Throttle linkage and governor,
   -----£■ ■   8. Steering linkage, alignment,      adjustment                          49.  Clutch and transmission
            torque and cotter pins                                                       50.  Engine performance
                                            klT 30. Carburetor idle speed adjustment,
  ------’ 9. King pins (lock in place)              curb idle                            51.  Two and three-speed rear axle,
  ——L 10. Brake and fuel lines, connections   _   31. Carburetor fast idle speed            if so equipped
            and routing                             adjustment                           52.  Steering performance
  ------ Lr 11. Exhaust system, connections      32. Governor, if so equipped            53.  Squeaks, rattles, or vibrations
            and routing
                                         ____L?-^’‘ 33. Radiator hoses                   54.  Recheck engine oil level after
  ----- —   12. Spring clip (U-bolt) nuts                                                   road test
                                                 34. Manifold heat control valve
  ----- —   13. Drive line U-joints                                                      Diesel Engine Equipped Truck
                                                 Inside Cab
         14. Body hold down bolts                                                        55.  Bleed air from luberfiner
                                                    Brake and clutch pedal free play
         Under Hood Engine Off                                                           56.  Recheck air cleaner intake
                                                    Brake pedal to master cylinder
         1 5. Engine oil level                                                              connections
                                                    push rod bolt
            Steering gear fluid level                                                    57.  Recheck and adjust engine idle
                                                 37. Clutch pedal to master cylinder        speed
            Brake master cylinder fluid level       push rod boit, if so equipped
                                                                                         Genera! Operations
  .      18 Clutch master cylinder fluid level  ---------   38. Operation of all lights
                                                                                                                    58. Assure truck is in clean presentable
         19. Windshield washer reservoir   ---------   39. Dimmer switch operation          condition (remove all tags,
            fluid level
                                                    Safety belts, operation and             stamps and labels), all required
     *- " 20. Radiator fluid level and proper       anchorage                               literature is in the glove box, and
            anti-freeze protection                                                          all deficiencies have been reported
                                                    Front seat operation
            Battery fluid level and charge                                                                        59. Assure that owner is properly
            condition                                                                       instructed in the operation of
                                                                                            the truck and all accessories
  Remarks:                                                                       Keep this form in Vehicle History file
  Please explain in detail any abnormal conditions. (If necessary use other side)  Inspected by

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