Page 3 - Combined_124_OCR
P. 3
L. G. -Alexakos
Page 2
May 22, 196S
With these two manufacturing details now out of the way, I have begun work
on the overall schedule of the tests and on data reduction procedures. The
tunnel does not have the personnel available to write a computer program
which will reduce the data. Therefore, we must write the program here.
They do have an IBM 1620 machine which will be available to us during testing;
so, we plan to write a program here, check it out and take it to Wichita with
us. Contrary to my initial thoughts on this subject, I do not believe this will
be a very big task. The equations are straight forward (no balance interactions)
and I believe the people here can write a satisfactory program.
■ s yet, I have not formulated a complete schedule of events to project manpower
requirements or to define areas of responsibility. However, I am working on
it and plan to complete it early next week.
Original signed by-.
J. E. Vaughn