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TENNESSEE: Variable Sunrise Saturday: 6:33 Los Angeles -j cn to necessary corrective actions.
cloudiness through Saturday a.m.; sunset: 6:46 p.m. Minneapolis CO CM U i CH o The PDA, in a statement, scor
(AP) — Canada will with slight chance of show Precipitation: 0.19 inches New Orleans 89 71 .01 ed Bill France and NASCAR for
manpower com New York 68 51 0
in Europe almost in ers south portion today and Thursday; 2.39 inches in Sep St. Louis 74 52 0 what they called “indifference to
the drivers’ safety.” They said
drop the nuclear strike tonight, over the area Satur tember. Seattle 67 55 .46 they had told France as early
Total precipitation: 47.27
s air force on the Conti- day. Showers most likely inches, which is 11.12 inches Washington 73 54 0
during the afternoon and ev-
government an- as July 24 that the track layout
today. was extremely rough.
e Minister Leo Cadieux Yet Ke.n Rush drove his Ca
.adian military person- j rn ar o 400 miles at speeds over
ng under the North At- Cities League 175 mph last Saturday to win
reaty Organization will New Era Dawns the GT race at Talladega. And
ned from 9,800 men to he said he did it on one set of
the fall of next year. Firestone tires.
clear strike role of the | Still Opposed And Sunday’s winner said he
ion in Europe will be | suffered no physical impair
ved by January 1972. In Defense Cost ments.
x added that a mecha- To Bonds Tax Brickhouse said yesterday that
gade group stationed in Larry Rathged, engineering co
also will drop the nu- By H. L. SCHWARTZ III from the emergency fund. ordinator for Chrysler, had ask
e of its Honest John ar- Associated Press Writer Although they lost all other at MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)- ed him if he wanted to go to
ttery when the brigade WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen tempts to chip away money for The Alabama League of Munic Houston for tests. The North
nized next year. ate critics of defense costs say a hardware, they did get written ipalities has restated its position Carolina farmer said he told
tense minister also told new era has opened in public into the bill some restrictions on Rathged, “not at my own ex
inference that the air-; aWareness of Pentagon spend- chemical and biological warfare of opposition to the taxing of pense.”
Tier Bonaventure and jng despite their crushing defeat materials. municipal bonds. It also called Brickhouse said he has “driven
maintenance ship will on attempt after attempt to trim They also won approval of ion U.S. Sens. John Sparkman a lot of tractors rougher than
(missioned in 1970. But ~ bllll some safeguards on defense I and James Allen to work for the that track.” He admitted odd
"nr7A ”\!a $20-billion bill for military
virtually all Canada’s .hardware? contractors, a $2.5 billion ceiling vibrations and said he changed
i iiaiuwdic.
naval forces will con- “We have made a good fight,” on aid to Laos and Thailand and defeat of a proposal to do away right tires without curing them.
be earmarked for several studies on the future with the tax exempt status. When he changed all four tires,
the event of an emer- said Democrat William Prox- “The very fact that Congress he said, the vibrations stopped.
mire of Wisconsin, a leader in role of weapons approved in the is even considering it is running Brickhouse added that when
the two-month battle that ended bill.
said Canada’s air de interest rates for schools and he moved to a higher groove on
les will remain “much Thursday night with passage of municipalities to their highest the track where others weren’t
the bill.
are” for the present, point in history,” John Watkins, running, it got smoother.
ins that while opting Opening Shot Ex-KIansman the league’s executive secretary Wright said he contacted
le nuclear role in Eu- said Thursday. Ford’s racing s u p-e-rm or;—-
lada has decided to re- “But,” he added, “this is Watkins made the comments Jacques Passino and filled him
nuclear capability in merely the opening shot in a after the league, meeting in an in. Ford’s top driver, Lee Roy
merica. Canada has larger effort. The critical re Is Convicted nual session, has unanimously I Yarbrough, was called over. He
•ts, capable of carrying view will go on.” resolved to urge the defeat of had run more high speed laps at
weapons, in the North “A defense system which for the measure. It has been Talladega than any other driver.
air defense organiza- years has operated without suf In Still Case approved in the House and When the astronauts symptoms
IAD. ficient public and private awaits action in the Senate. were outlined to him, Yar
are to “phase out” the checks has now been exposed to He said passage of the propos brough said, “I’ll be damned,
ed brigade group and the sunlight,” said Republican MEMPHIS (AP) - The re jThat’s exactly what’s been hap
ivision in Germany by Edward Brooke of Massachu puted former head of the Ku al could halt municipal and pening. I didn’t know what was
of 1970, when land-air setts. “A good foundation has Klux Klan in Tennessee was con school construction. wrong with me.”
will be established un been laid for future inquiry.” victed by a U.S. District Court “It was just a matter of reaf
headquarters in south- The Proxmire and Brooke Jury Thursday of possessing firming a position we’ve always Serious Concern
iany. comments came as the huge ap property for use in violation of held,” he said. Ford people were now serious
will be at Lahr and Ba- propriations measure finally federal liquor laws. ly concerned. This latest devel
ligen, where the air di- passed on an 81-5 vote, climax Judge Bailey Brown deferred opment, coupled with drivers’
currently based. The ing the most heated debate over passing sentence on Vernon Accident and cars owners’ complaints,
group is at present defense spending in two dec Doyle Ellington, 31, of Browns that the track was unsafe,
and near Soest, on the ades. ville. The madimum penalty is brought about the Ford decision
rm an plain. Although it passed virtually a year in prison, a $5,000 fine, Continued From Page One to back up the drivers’ refusal
1,000-Man Total intact—only $70 million was or both. observation. He was treated to race the next day.
chopped out—it took 39 full days The government had contend and released. Grays has been The Ford racing people also
[organized forces will of debate over the two-month ed the property in question driving a school bus for 13 have suggested that Lee Roy
[nt equipment and will period. Pentagon backers had to was a panel truck on which a years, eight with the Madison Yarbrough be checked out by a
ombined total strength throw back more than a dozen mobile still was operated in Hay County system. specialist for any possible after
5,000 men. attempts to delay such major wood County. Madison police and state effects. Yarbrough might be
supreme allied com- programs as the Safeguard mis Judge Brown dismissed a troopers were delayed in get sent to the Houston Space Cen
Europe has assured me sile defense system, a new nu count of possession of distilla ter for tests.
provides a structure clear carrier, mammoth new tion equipment and a mistrial ting to the scene of the ac How does the pogo phenome
rill allow Canadian battle tanks, squadrons of su was declared on a count of mak cident because of faulty di non relate to racing on the high
i continue to fulfill in perjet fighters and a new ing mash for distillation after rections given by persons banks of Talledega?
meaningful though re- manned bomber. the jury reported it could not calling in the report of the Explanation Given
le,” said Cadieux. The bill that finances all the reach agreement. accident.
tonsequence of the re United States’ military hard Chrysler engineer Larry
ion, three well-known ware for fiscal 1970 now goes to Ellington, Charles Colon Co- The bus accident was the Rathgeb explains:
zart, 45, of Brownsville and first to involve a fatality
regiments will be the House where far easier “It’s really a combination of ,
om the regular force; going is expected. Gene Herschel Leach, 27, of since 1931, W.E. Popejoy of three factors, not merely the
Stantion originally had been the Madison County Board of
The measure, however, must charged with conspiring to avoid fact that these cars are running
again go through the Senate for Internal Revenue liquor taxes. Education office said. faster than ever before. These
appropriation of the actual cash Leach and Cozart were acquitted According to investiga factors are amplitude, frequen
and there is a possibility the lib of the conspiracy count but El tors, the wreck apparently cy and G forces. All must be
eral band that put up the fight lington was convicted. left no indication of violations combined under the situation to
this time might try again on of the state’s new school bus produce the pogo effect. The
some projects. Ellington appealed his convic- safety law, either by the
idian Guards, the
Iwn Rifles of Canada
Black Watch Royal
legiment of Canada.
nges are in line with
nister Pierre Elliott
announcement April, some projects,
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