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Drivers Suffer 'Pogo Phenomenon
  ES & AUTOWEEK      OCT. 11, 1969

                                 By Jeff Scott                 be created, or duplicated. In the  informed Ford representatives at
                                   NEW YORK, Sept. 23 - A  case at Talladega, the collective  Talladega of the information he had
                                 totally new dimension in  conditions were bumps in the  gathered.
                                 automobile racing, known to NASA  corners to create amplitude, high   With this development, plus the
                                 space physicians as the “Pogo  speed and the track angle provided  excessive tire wear at the rough
                                 Phenomenon,” was discovered  the excessive G forces and the  track, Ford elected to back the
                                 during high speed practice for the  frequency resulted*from the spring  PDA boycott.
                                 Sept. 14 NASCAR Grand National  rates.                        Wright said smoothing the rough
                                 500-mile race at Talladega, Ala. and   The phenomenon was first  and bumpy areas of the track
                                 was recognized when Charlie  reported by Bobby Isaac during tire  would eliminate the problem since
                                 Glotzbach complained of  testing and testing of the new  all three conditions must exist in
                                 temporary blindness and confusion.  Dodge Daytona in August.  the correct ratio to produce the
                                   Shortly after Glotzbach made his   During practice, Glotzbach  pogo effect.
                                 problems known, it was discovered  pulled into his pits and complained   Long term effects on the drivers,
                                 other GN drivers were suffering  to his crew he did not know where  if any, will be studied, possibly by
                                 from physical discomforts after and  he was going on the track and that  NASA medical personnel.
                                 during high speed laps, often  he could not see. He said he seemed  According to Wright, astronauts
                                 exceeding 200mph on the straights  to go blind for a few seconds when  were only exposed to the pogo
                                 of the new 2.66-mile Talladega  he was going through certain  effect for short periods of time,
                                 oval.                          bumpy turns and that he had  providing little information. But
  kt off the challenges of Peter Gethin and   The discovery of the pogo effect  trouble focusing. He told his crew  some NASCAR drivers have been
  kp heat races at Hockenheim-the first   . is noted as a major contributing  he could only restore his vision by1  exposed to the condition for up to
  r Germany. (John W. Kelly photo)  factor of Ford backing the boycott  looking back and forth quickly.  six seconds a lap. Yarbrough has
                                                                  Wright spoke with astronaut  recorded more than 800 laps on the
                                 of members of the Professional  \ Tom Stafford about the symptoms  track with many at speed.
   Hockenheim                   (The physical complaints of  and Stafford confirmed Wright’s    Following the Sept. 14 race,
                                 jDrivers Assn. (PDA).
                                 Glotzbach were first recognized by  opinion of the pogo effect. Stafford  Richard Brickhouse, the winner,
                                  Bill Wright, an aerospace engineer  then said, “If I were those guys, I  complained of chest pains although
                                      __ .. ..............-___ _____
   disappointment with 18 cars  with Chrysler. White had worked  wouldn’t try to race tomorrow.”  racing speeds were well below the
   entered, 13 showing up and 121 wjth NASA in the development of/   Following confirmation, Wright faster qualifying speeds.
   starting with six of these     engines for the Gemini space
   competitive.                   project and during that period,
     In the F/5000 events, Taylor astronauts had suffered similar
   dominated, but he didn’t go    effects during testing. They
    without opposition. In the first  complained of temporary loss of
    15-lap heat, Peter Gethin, in a sight, chest pains, nausea and loss
    McLaren M1OA, either ran in front  of consciousness. In the Gemini
    of or on the tail of the TS5-Chevy  project the problem was traced to a
  I  until the 13th lap when he broke a  combination of low frequency and
    rocker arm.                   a high amplitude type of cyclic
      Gethin didn’t seem to have it in vibration under high G forces and
    the second heat and Mike      was blamed on pulsations from the
    Hailwood, Lola T142-Chevy driver,  engine coming through the space
    took over hounding at Taylor’s capsule.
    heels.                               COMPLAINTS
      In the overall standings,
    Hailwood followed Taylor with two  In checking with other NASCAR
    second-place finishes and Ulf  drivers, Wright found various
    Norind er, Lola-Chevy, third, with a  unique physical discomfort
    fifth and a third finish.     complaints voiced by all the GN
 i                                drivers except three—Richard Petty,
                                  David Pearson and Cale
    OKs Fireornof Sloth           Yarborough. The complaints
                                  included chest pains, nausea, and in
      ST. LOUIS, Mo. — Monsanto  some cases shortness of breath after
    Co.’s new fireproof cloth, Durette,  very fast laps.
    has been officially approved by the   So far the pogo effect, as
    Sports Car Club of America.   reported by the NASCAR drivers,
      The fabric, second to receive  has occurred only at Talladega.
    approval from the organization, will  According to Wright, three
    not bum or lose its strength after  conditions—the correct frequency,   Dan Gurney, and hostess Vicki Hollaway, display the sign which will adorn a
    several minutes in a '2?      an'.rlituoe and G forces—must exist   new franchise network of retail centers, Dan Gurney’s Checkpoint America,
    flame.                        before the pogo phenomenon can.  ---------  -•                         (Jack Scagnetti photo)
     fiction                                                    Gurney Launches Checkpoint

                                                                  LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18 - A  Checkpoint America are in
                                                                franchise network of retail centers  Florida-one at Fort Lauderdale,
                                                                for high quality performance  where the company has
                                                                products and specialized service  headquarters, and the other at
                                                                work is being launched by Dan  Daytona Beach near the
                                                                Gurney, it was announced here  superspeedway.
                                                                  Called Dan Gurney’s Checkpoint   “Florida is not what you call a
                                                                America, the new business venture   hotbed of expensive foreign car
                                                                will start in Florida and expand to   owners,” Lyon commented. “But
                                                                300 centers across the U.S. within   despite that fact, we have proven
                                                                five years.                   the market for our type of
                                                                  The franchise goal for 1970 is for   operation is sound. Here in
                                                                24 units to be opened in southern   southern California our horizons
                                                                California and 12 in the      look unlimited.
                                                                southeastern U.S.               “No other living race driver
                                                                  Each Checkpoint America will  commands the recognition or
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