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| '                                                                             MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1       1969 HUNTSVILI
                                         1/ 'Name’ drivers skip Talladega GN debut

           Brickhouse captures troubled ' U                                                                                                           l      O     o

                                       brother Donnie of Hueytown, Cale  was Brickhouse, in only his sec­  GT race in Huntsville, was ninth,
           By Sam Ezell
           News sports editor          Yarborough, LeeRoy Yarbrough,  ond year of racing, Bobby Isaac,  and Brooks, in a ’69 Plymouth,
                                        Buddy Baker, Charlie Glotzbach.  who drove a Dodge Daytona to  was fifth, collecting his biggest
             TALLADEGA — It was all anti-   who had driven a Dodge Daytona  third place under orders from  payoff with $3,300.
           climatic, but for the record books,   to the pole position at a speed  his car owner to drive or else   Lund, who led for 28 laps, 21
           29<year-old Richard Brickhouse   of 199.466, James Hylton, Bobby  (he finished fourth), Dr. Don Tarr,  in a row at one stage, blew a
           sat down in a 1969 Dodge Day­  Johns, Elmo Langley, Hoss El­  un- retired Jim Hurtibise and Neil  clutch on the 152nd lap. Tarr,
           tona for the first time here Sun­  lington, Dave Marcls, David Pear-  Castles. ;>      the leader for -six laps, was in
           day afternoon, and got out the win­  son and one of the real veteran   Brickhouse’s purse Sunday was  the top four until he lost oil
           ner of the first annual Talladega   independent jockeys, Wendell  four times his winnings for seven  pressure and was forced to the
           500 and the accompanying $25,000   Scott.                 starts last season. His best  pits after 129 laps.
           prize money.                   The only GN drivers who lined  previous finish was fourth at   There were seven caution
             Casting a shadow over the first   up for Sunday’s Talladega 500  Rockingham* NaCa where he won  lights for 32 laps, the final coming
           Grand National ..race ever run at                         $2,600.                      on the 168th lap when Coo Coo
           the gigantic $6 million racing      Final list...           The car Brickhouse drove to   Marlin blew coming down the
           plant 12 miles north of this Talla­  TALLADEGA, Ala. (AP) —The order   victory at an average of 153,778  front straight. This allowed
           dega County town before the green   of finish in Sunday’s Talladega 500 stock,   miles per hour (exceeding 190  Brickhouse, who was trailing
                                        car race with money won;
           flag waved was an announced boy-   1. Richard Brickhouse, Rocky Point,   miles per hour in a 12-lap sprint   Vandiver by a full lap at the
           cot of the event by the big- name   N.C., Dodge, $25,000.  to the finish line during which  time, to close the gap. When
                                         2.  Jim Vandiver, Charlotte, N.C. Dodge.
           GN drivers*                  $12,400.                     he passes Jim Vandiver and  the green flag came out, Brick­
             This included all factory-back­  3. Ramo Stott, Keokuk, Iowa, Dodge,   caused the hair of Goodyear per­  house shot the Daytona into first
           ed drivers and most of the bet­  $7,050.                  sonnel to stand on end) was a  place and sprinted to the finish
                                          4, Bobby Isaac, Catawba, N. C„ Dodge,
           ter-known independent drivers.   $4,725.                  spare for Chrysler drivers.  line despite plans prior to the
                                         5.  Richard Brooks, Spartanburg, S.C^
           Richard Petty, president of the   Plymouth, $3,300.         Bearing the No, 99, it had been  race to hold speeds below the
           recently-formed Professional   6.  Earl Brooks. Lynchburg, Va., Ford,   Gloizbach’s earlier in the week  190 mark.
           Drivers Assn., made the an­   $2,500.                     but the original pole-sitter   Darel Dieringer, retired Grand
                                         7.  Jimmy Vaughn, Greenville, S.C., Ca­
           nouncement late Saturday after   maro, $2,000.            changed to No. 88 because it hand­  National driver who claimed
                                         8. Billy Hagen, Lafayette, !&,, Cougar,
           several days ofbickering over the   $1,750.               led better, leaving No, 99 as a  seven victories and over $200,000
           condition of the hack and the   y. liny Lund, Cross, S.C.. Ford, $1,675.-  spare. A Chrysler spokesman  in 10 years of racing, is now
           inability of Firestone and Good­  10.  Coo Coo Marlin, Columbia, Tenn.,   said that No, 99 had been pro­  a representative for Goodyear.
                                         Cheveiie, $1,600.
           year companies to manufacture   11.  Biiiy Ward, Talladega, Ala, Camaro,  mised to Brickhouse earlier in  Looking at the controversial
           tires that would stand the strain.  12.  Ernie Shaw; Winston Saiem, N.C'„   the week if it wasn’t needed by any  boycott from both sides of the
             Following petty’s lead were   Mustang, $1,300.          of the other factory drivers, but  fence, Dieringer explained it this
           vice president Bobby Allison and  13.  Amos Johnson, Raleigh, N.C, Camaro,
                                         $1,450.                     never dreamed he would get it  way:
                                         14.  Bobby rlemming, Danville, Va„. Ca­  under the conditions that he dido  *fNo one is trying to blame
                                         maro, $1,400.
                                         l5». Ben Arnold, Fairfield, Ala^ Camaro,   Strangely, Brickhouse brought  anyone for. the action taken by
                                         $1,375.                     a ’69 Dodge Charger td Talladega  the drivers, but the track is in
                                         16. Dr. Don Tarr, North Miami Beach,   to race himself, but when he got  such condition that tires will.,
                                         Fla., Dodge, $1,350.                                                                    in victory lane ...
                                         j7. Frank Sessoms, Darlington, S.C.,   the Daytona. Ramo Stott stepped  last for only about six “laps at,,
                                         Camaro, $1,325.             into the Charger, Nos 14, and  speeds near 200 miles per hour..       MISS HURST,
                                         18. Buck Baker.   C. Fire­
                                        bird, $1,300.                drove it to the No.. 3 position,   "Every time they run a few
                                         13. Dick Lawrence, Chesapeake. Va..   worth $7,050, Vandiver, who had  more laps on the track it gets   METS, CUBS L(
                                        Camaro, $1,275.
                                        20.  Dr. Wilbur Pickett, Daytona Beach,   driven only in Grand Touring  worse. If we had about a month
                                        Fla., Camaro, $1,250.        races before Sunday, got $12,400  to work on building a tire to
                                                                                                  do it, provided the track re*  Braves retain
                                        21.  Larry Boch, Mishawaka, Ind., Dart,
                                        $1,225.                      for his runner up spot in Bobby  take the high speeds, we could
                                        22. Stan Starr Jr., Madison, Tenn., Ca­  Johns’ Charger.
                                        maro, $1,200.
                                        £3. Richard Childress, Winston Salem,   Grand Touring drivers and cars   mained in the same condition.
                                        N.C., Camarc, $1,175. , .   completed Sunday’s field, with   ‘‘Howeyer, the condition of_th
                                        24. C. B. Gwyn, Marion, Va., Cougar,   many of them enjoying bigger   frack worsens dav.and there
                                        25.  Jim Hurtublse, North Tonawanda,   pay days than at any time this   is _hb way "To"" tell from dayhio   top as Astro:
                                        N.Y., Ford, $1,125.         season on the GT tour.       day what to do to a tire.
                                        26.  Earl Canavan, Old Fort Johnson,
                                        N.Y., Javelin, $1,100.        However* Ken Rush, who won    4 We have tried everything we
                                        27.  Homer Newland, Detroit, Mich.,   Saturday’s fBama 400, and   know to do, including flying in   By The Associated Press   f   ...
                                        Dodge, $1,075.              runneruo Wavn® a nd raws i-.-.ri  n n ri --------
                                        28. T. C. Hunt. Atlanta r.a
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