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                            ANNUAL SUMMARY WITH COMPARATIVE DATA

                            HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA

       1973              U.b. UtP An I Mt lx I Uh UUMIVItKUfc ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE


               Huntsville has a temperate climate. Summers are       by locally severe weather conditions than thunder­
               characterized by warm and humid weather, with         storms in other seasons.
               rather frequent thundershowers. Winters are
               usually rather cool, but vary considerably from       Day to day weather changes in the summer season
               one year to the next.                                 are rather small other than the occurrence of
                                                                     thundershowers that provide relief from the heat
               The city of Huntsville is almost surrounded by        on about one-third of the days. Temperatures fre­
               the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. The       quently rise to 90° or higher, but reach 100° only
               Tennessee River winds its way westward about          on rare occasions.
               7 miles to the south of the City, and the broad,
               fertile Tennessee River Valley, with flat to          During the fall the weather is usually dry and
               gentle rolling terrain, extends to the west. The      pleasant. The airmasses are cooler in the
               weather station is located at the Huntsville-         lower levels and the thundershower activity
               Madison County Airport, which is 11 miles             of summer decreases sharply. The dry air is
               southwest from the center of Huntsville. Moun­        very favorable for the harvesting of cotton
               tain ridges, with elevations from 1,200 to 1,600      and hay crops, important items in the economy
               feet above m.s.l., are located some 14 miles          of thb area. A major departure from the re­
               to the northeast, east, andsoutheast of the airport.  latively dry weather of fall is an occasional
                                                                     rainy spell of one or more days associated with
               Cold airmasses from the continent are pre­            a decadent hurricane drifting northward from the
               dominant over the area during the winter season,      Gulf of Mexico.
               but at times mild air from the Gulf of Mexico
               spreads northward to Huntsville or beyond, and        Precipitation amounts for the drier months of the
               may persist for several days in succession.           fall are appreciably less than for the relatively
                The contrast between airmasses frequenting the       wet season in winter; however, with the exception
               region in winter provides a potential source of       of an infrequent long dry spell, precipitation
               energy for producing extensive periods of low         distribution is such as to provide adequate
                cloudiness and rain, the result being that four      moisture for plant growth throughout the year.
                months, December through March, account for          Precipitation is mostly in the form of rain, but
                about 43 percent of the normal annual precipita­     snow can be expected to some extent each winter
               tion. Severely cold weather seldom occurs.            and seasonal totals have ranged from less than an
                Temperatures average dropping as low as the          inch to over 20 inches.
                zero point about once per year, usually under
                clear skies with only light winds.                   In the Huntsville area, the average date for the
                                                                     last occurrence in spring of temperatures as
                In the transition from winter to spring, appear­     low as 32° is March 30, and the average date for
                ances of warm/ moist air in place of the cold        the first occurrence in the fall of temperatures as
                air become more frequent, and the greatest           low as 32° is October 31, thus giving a growing
                variety of weather usually occurs during this        season of 214 days. The climate is suitable for
                season. Spring season thunderstorms in the           truck farming, as well as for staple crops and
                vicinity of the boundary between warm and cold       livestock.
                airmasses are more likely to be accompanied
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