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                                                                               FILE                 DATE
                                                                                                          July 6, 1970
      TO - NAME                           DEPT.                       DIVISION                plant/office
                See Below                                                                       Highland Park
           NAME                           DEPT.                       DIVISION                PLANT 76ffice
                                                  Manager -
                J. J. Mundie                      Accounting              PD&P Staff            Highland Park .. .

                                                          Re D. Kelly
                                                          C. E. Knobel
                                                          J. H. Marlette
                                                          C.  N. McLean
                                                          D.  E. Morrison

                                 ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW DEPARTMENT - HUNTSVILLE:

                                 Plea  O  G  Q  cr  advised  that the necessary budget has been-'
                                 provided to establ    ish a new Chassis Engineering
                                 Department to be 1    ocated in Huntsville, Alabama.-

                                 The title, of the department is "Huntsville Race
                                 Operationsthe department number is 1250-7580, and
                                 the supervisor is W. P. Wright.

                                 Mr. Wright and four other employees were transferred
                                 effective June 22, 1970.


                                                                          J. J. MUNDIE

                                 cc? ;^H.  P, Bruns
                                      IL  E; Douyard
                                       >  De Hayes
                                          T. Hearon
                                       C m   H. Parkinson

                                       S  R.  Stedi   G Q
                                             Wrigh rr  v
                                          C m