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                election reform programs.                                                                   Crossword                           23C         Sports ___                        1-6C          go on his first four-year term,                                                                 156; Fruehauf was up % at 39%; Kresge                                                            Press,” including THE DETROIT FREE PRESS

                     The announcement is expected to open                                                   Editorial .                         12B        TV-Radio .                         4-5F                A former schoolteacher, IJare has shown                                                   gained % at 54% and Parke-Davis was un­                                                          The Detroit News

                up a wide race for the $30,000-a-year secretary                                             Experience                           4B         Vessels. ..                       . 5B          a continuing interest in edilational affairs,                                                   changed at 32%.                                                                                           Other than that, the less said the better.

               of state’s office among both Republicans and                                                 Finance ..                     10-13D           Weather .<                                      especially those of Wayne State University.                                                          Volume totaled 11,170,000 shares compared

               Democrats.                                                                                   Horoscope                            5E        Women’s .                                        He could probably win his pary’s nomination                                                     with 10,980.000 yesterday.

                                           By JOE DOWDALL                                                            set up by the frequency of bumps or jars, the                                                         Glotzbach won the pde in a Dodge with a                                                                    “Stafford was treated and the harmonic

                                          Detroit News‘Sports Writer                                                 amplitude set by the vibrations and the G-load                                                        199.466 average on (he 2.66-mile course.                                                             eliminated by the use of a helium dampener.

                        Three stock car race drivers, who drove                                                      on the body.                                                                                                The drivers report hitting 212 to_220 miles                                                          “Wright and other Chrysler engineers put

                  more than 200 miles an hour on a rough track,                                                            The tests will be made as soon as Chrysler                                                      an hour going into the first turn, the roughest                                                      electronic sensors on Glotzbach’s Dodge Day­

                  have been stricken                                                                                                                                                                                       part of the 33-degreefbanked course.
                                                                                                                      prepares a complete report on the cause.                                                                                                                                                                  tona in a test run and found that the tape of
                  with symptoms of a
                                                                                                                           All three drivers wer.e among those who                                                               Isaac qualified at 116.386 and Brickhouse, a                                                   conditions was identical to that of the capsule.”
                  sickness experienced

                  by the astronauts in                                                                                complained of blurred vision, chest pains and                                                        rookie, hit J95.8 in flit final four laps of the                                                           Chrysler officials informed Ford officials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           race Sunday as he Iped to victory.
                  the Gemini space pro­                                                                               shortness of breath after their record runs on                                                                                                                           , r 5                            and William France, president of the speed-

                  gram.                                                                                               the new, bumpy $5 million Alabama Interna­                                                                 Other drivers replited feeling                                                           ^>%tvay, of their findings last Saturday, on the

                        Ford’s Lee Roy                                                                                                                                                                                      able”after their high|s?eed runs.
                                                                                                                      tional Motor Speedway at Talladega, Ala.
                   Yarbrough and Bobby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          eve of the race.
                                                                                                                            Yarbrough, the leading money winner in                                                               “A Chrysler space engineer,                                    W i 11 i a m
                   Isaac and Richard                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ford supported the withdrawal of its drivers
                                                                                                                      stock car racing with $165,525 earned in 21                                                          Wright, gave us thel'he to what was happen­
                   Brickhouse, who drove
                                                                                                                      races this season, was stricken a month ago                                                           ing,” said Robert M; j^du££. Chrysler’s chist                                                       who were among the 35 who boycotted the
             I     for the Dodge team,                                                                                                                                                                                      engineer of product Jhnhuig. ’                                                                                                                                                                                          ISAAC                                  BRICKHOUSE
                                                                                                                       after he ran tire and endurance tests on the                                                                                                                                                             track because they felt it to be unsafe. Yar­
                   are to be sent to the                                                                              new speedway. Yarbrough’s illness was not                                                                  “Wright remember-d astronaut Tom Staf­

                   National Aeronautics                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         brough and Glotzbach were among those who
                                                                                                                       diagnosed, however, and he was treated for a                                                         ford' had suffered ru same, symptoms five                                                                                                                                                                harmonics which caused the drivers to be­
                   and Space Administra­                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        withdrew but Chrysler allowed Issac and
              i                                                                                                        flu virus.                                                                                           years ago in a tes t. lilt-off of a Gemini space                                                                                                                                                         come ill,” Rodger said. “The drivers and cars
                    tion (NASA) medical                                  YARBROUGH                                                                                                                                          capsule. The rocketwbrations set up a surge                                                         Brickhouse to run. with instructions to race at                                                      were not affected by the high speeds alone.”

                    center in Houston for                                                                                   Yarbrough was the second fastest qualifier
              i                                                                                                                                                                                                            of the liquid fuel whici caused a harmonic on                                                        “safe” speeds until the final laps.
                                                                 “pogo effect,” a break­
              I     tests and treatment for ~ _                                                                        last week for the Talladega “500 ’ mile race                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (For complete details see Sports Section,
                     down of body tissues caused by the harmonics                                                      with a speed of 199.350 miles an hour. Charlie                                                       on Stafford who was h the capsule.                                                                        “Smoothing out the track will eliminate the                                                   Page 1C).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . I