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ll, 1970

                          Mr. Hlchard .etty
                           at. #1
                           Randlaraan, hortb Carolina 27317

                           Dear Mehard:

                          The Chrysler «ace &W located in Huntsville, Alabama is going
                           to be tsmdmted by the corporation before ;«c«sber 31, 1970.
                          This will necessitate the removal of all chrysler owned equip-
                          ©ent prior to this date.

                          Ordinarily, this equipment would be turned over to our corpor­
                           ate By-products bapartaenc for their processing. tfcwver, if
                           ratty .astetprtaea la interested in the emMlgnaeot usage of a
                           portion of this equipment, our departoent will u&ke the necessary
                          arrangemnts within Chrysler for the loan of the equipment to
                           petty iSnterpriaes.

                           This equipment aay b® used by ratty tnteqpriaea vhile engaged
                           in racing contracts with the corporation. aa a point of infor-
                          •Ation, the equipwm. will be tagged a® Uiryalar property; and
                          our records will be changed to reflect a relocation.

                          Mr. larry ksthgcb is familiar with your operation in taadla®an?,
                          U. c» and the equipment in the Macs Oarag®. .tarry ha® reviewed
                           the mnclo»ec najar equipment inventory list, &n& suggested that
                           the following item* might ba of benefit to your operation next

                                          Stobart Hall-orc Weldor
                                          Toledo ijcele
                                      4> W  M  Three <3> action Tire Sack
                                          itowkichards^n iUtfon ;>calaa

                                      Sh  U?   tubs
                                          Stobart Wire read Wider

                                      M   Holst ladder
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