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Report of Vehicle r. c E 2 t approved July 1967 and last revised by Vehicle Sound Level Committee July 1968.
t. Scope—This SAE Standard ofablishcs the maximum sound lexel 4.22 Wheel slip which affects the maximum sound lex el must he
for passenger cars and light trucks and describes the test procedure, avoided.
environment, and instrumentation for determining this sound level. 4.2.3 The engine temperature shall be within the normal operating
2. Sound Level Limit—The sound level produced by a new pas range throughout each run. A 1 minute cooling off period with engine
senger car or light truck of 6000 gvw or less shall not exceed 86 db. at idle in neutral is required between runs.
on an A-weighted network at 50 ft when measured in accordance with 4.3 Measurements
the procedure described herein. {See paragraph 5.2 for field measure 4.3.1 The microphone shall be located 50 ft from the tentetline oi
ments.) the vehicle path at a heigh: of 4 ft above the ground plane.
. 3. Initrumenlation—The following instrumentation shall be used for 4.3.2 The meter shall be set for fast response and the A-weighted
the measurement required: network.
3-1 A sound level meter which meets the requirements of Inter 4.3.3 The meter shall be observed while the vehicle is accelerating'
national Electrotechnical Commission Publication 179. Precision Sound The applicable reading shall be the highest sound level obtained-'foi
Level Meters. the run, ignoring unrelated peaks due to extraneous ambient noises. At
3.1.1 Alternatively, a microphone magnetic tape recorder indicating least tworneasurements shall be made for each side of the vehicle. AU
meter system, whose overall response is equivalent to the above, may values should be recorded.
be used. 4.3.4 The sound level for each side of the vehicle shall be the
32 A sound level calibrator (see paragraph 5.5). average of the two highest readings which are within 2 db of each
3.3 A calibrated windscreen or nosecone (see paragraph 5.4). other. The sound lev el reported shall he that of the loudest side of the
3.4 An engine-speed tachometer. vehicle.
< Procedure 5. General Comments
4.1 Test Site—A suitable test site, which could be considered ideal 5.1 It is stronglv recommended that technically trained pcis< i'.tiel
for purpose of measurements, shall consist of a fiat open space free of select the equipment and that the tests he conducted only by
large reflecting surfaces (such as signboards, buildings, or hillsides) persons trained in the current techniques of sound measurement.
located within 100 ft of either the vehicle or the microphone. 5J2 A 2 db allowance for the sound fest! limit is necessary to
4.1.1 During the measurement, the surface of the ground within the provide for variations in tot site, vehicle operation, temperature
easurement area shall be free from powdery snow, long grass, loose gradients, wind velocity gradients, test equipment, and inherent dif
Moil, or ashes. ferences in nominally identical vehicles.
4.122 Because bystanders mas base an appreciable influence on meter 5.3 Instrument manufacturer’s specifications for orientation of the
response when they are in the vicinitv of the vehicle or the micro microphone relative to the source of sound and the location of the
phone. no person other than the observer reading the meter shall be observer relative to the meter, should be adhered to.
near the vehicle or the microphone. . 5.4 When a windscreen is required, a previously calibrated wind
4.1.3 The ambient sound level (including wind effects) due to screen should he used. It is recommended that measurements he made
sources other than the vehicle being measured shall be at least 10 dbA only when wind velocity is below 12 mph.
lower than the level of the tested vehicle. 5-5 Instrument manufacturer's recommended calibration should
4.1.4 The path of vehicle travel shall be relatively smooth, dry con be made at appropriate times. Field calibration should be made im
crete or asphalt, free of extraneous materials such as gravel. mediately before and after each test sequence Either an externa! cali
42 Vehicle Operation bration or internal calibration means is acceptable for field use. pm-
42A From an approach speed of 30 mph, wide-open throttle shall vided that external calibration is accomplished before and after field
be established when the front of the vehicle reaches a line 25 ft before use.
a line through the microphone norma’ to the vehicle path. Use the 5.6 Vehicles used for tests must not be operated in a manner such
lowest transmission gear or range such that the front of the vehicle (hat the break-in procedure specified bv the manufacturer is xiohiteu
will base reached or passed a line 25 ft beyond (he microphone line 6. Kcfrrrure.s—Suggested reference material is as follows:
when maximum rated engine speed1 is reached. The throttle shall then 1. USA SI SI J-I960, Acoustical Terminology.
be closed ertbugh to prevent excessive engine speed and the test con 2. USAS! S 1.2-1962. Physical Measurement of Sound.
tinued until the vehicle reaches , a line 125 ft besond the microphone 3. International Electrotechnical Commission Publication 179. Pre
line. cision Sound Level Meters. (Available from USAS!)
(Applications for copies of these documents should be addressed to
ITS-A. Standards Institute. 10 East 40th Street. New \ork New \oik
- 6Speed at *hi<-h maximum h«ir*ej»«»urr i< rated pivrrned yperd.
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tices recommended, are advisory only. Them use by anyone Board, its Councils and Committees will not investigate or
snjaged in industry or trade is entirely voluntary. There is no consider patents which may apply to the subject matter. Pros
agreement to adhere to any SAE Standard or SAE Recom pective users of th® report are responsible for protecting
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