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P. 1

June 5, 1970

               The Honorable Joe W. Davis
               Mayor of Huntsville
               Huntsville, Alabama

               Subject:        Use of Facilities at Old Huntsville Airport

               Dear Sir:

         ■              Chrysler Huntsville Operations is currently working with the Chrysler
               Central Engineering Office, Highland Park, Michigan in the developmental
               testing of Grand National Race Cars. We presently have a shop facility for
             /experimental build-up of vehicle components, instrumentation and overall.                             :
         /^ vehicle systems, plus necessary equipment to. support track'test operations. y-
               The facility is located at 109 Pratt Avenue. The race cars are normally modi­
               fied at Huntsville; prepared and then tested at NASCAR race tracks for high
               speed operational development of the total vehicle.

                 • <.- Currently, however, we are building a vehicle for use on road course
               type race tracks having several experimental components such as brakes,
          -.<■ transmission, etc. We need an area to test this vehicle where we can simulate
               road course conditions with acceleration, braking, and right and left turns. A
               portion of the old Huntsville Airport appears to be a suitable facility.

                        As per discussions with Messrs. J. Sturdevant and B. J. Pearsall, we
               understand the facility may be available provided we can meet certain conditions.

                        An updated certificate of insurance will be provided naming the City of
            ■ / Huntsville as insured with limits of at least $100, 000 per person and $300, 000
         / /; per accident, as per attached example. Chrysler will reimburse the City of
          ■    Huntsville for any loss, damage or claim with respect to the use of facilities.

          •             All test dates will be coordinated with Mr. B. J. Pearsall to prevent
            h- interference with other activities. Our tests will be conducted during weekdays - -
               Monday - Friday, We have a tentative test date scheduled -- June 22-26, 1970
               (Monday through Friday). We would appreciate, however, having a blanket agree­
               ment for three months to cover retests, rain dates, etc. , if this can be arranged.

              .         We certainly appreciate the previous use of this facility during the
               Summer of 196when development of instrumentation systems was successfully
               performed. This performance enabled us to convince the Central Engineering
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